Cement Plaster Vs Gypsum Plaster

Plastering is an antiquated structure procedure to cover the uncovered surface and give a defensive surface against entrance of downpour water, other barometrical organizations like vermin and improves the presence of the design and gives brightening impacts. 

These days there are a number of patterns, innovation advancements and developments with numerous applications in the development area. They all target making development quicker and conveying higher and better execution. In any case, a method of gypsum plastering is pretty much as old as cement plastering. The pyramid of Giza in Egypt is the most established illustration of the use of gypsum plaster as an inner plaster. It is confirmation of sturdiness and execution of gypsum plaster. 

Gypsum building plasters are utilized broadly in numerous nations of the world including Australia, Canada, United Kingdom, United States of America and USSR, for general structure tasks and for the assembling of performed gypsum building items which enjoy the particular benefits of daintiness and high imperviousness to fire. 

Here we give you brief correlation of Cement based Plaster versus Gypsum Plaster: 

01. Arrangement 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

The sand cement plaster is a homogeneous combination of Portland cement and sand with water. The sand and cement are blended at the site in various proportions. These days it is likewise accessible in Ready-made bundles. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

In gypsum plaster, gypsum is utilized as a limiting material rather than Portland cement. It is prepared to utilize and needn't bother with sand. 

02. Region Recommendation 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

It is utilized on the two surfaces interior just as outer. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

It is utilized uniquely in inward dividers and roofs. Again it can't be utilized in wet regions like a latrine, shower, kitchen, wash region, and so on 

03. Thickness 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

The thickness of cement plaster ought not be under 10 mm. The Thickness of cement plaster may differ and it relies upon the surfaces to be covered and its plumb and surface. 

For instance, for block facades thickness of plaster is 12 mm to 20 mm. 

For the underside of the RCC roof/rooftop, the thickness of plaster is for the most part 10 to 12 mm. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

The thickness of the undercoat of gypsum plasters are for the most part 11 mm thick for dividers and 8 mm thick for roof and finish coat plaster is 2 mm thick. 

04. Protection Properties 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

It has pretty much same warm conductivity as gypsum. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster has low warm conductivity and great warm properties and guarantees energy and force saving. 

05. Flexural-Tensile Strength 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Cement mortar is essentially feeble in pressure and flexural strength and thus inclined to breaking. Further a large portion of breaking occurs because of shrinkage, which is very normal. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plasters display high tractable and flexural strength. They are less inclined to breaking. 

06. Non-Toxic and Anti-growth 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Cement plaster isn't 100 % penetrable to water fumes. In the washroom or in the kitchen it will prompt the arrangement of buildup on the dividers and as result molds, growths will create and furthermore floor will get elusive because of dampness. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster isn't influenced by creepy crawlies and doesn't support the development of contagious diseases. They represent no wellbeing dangers and are along these lines every now and again indicated in clinics and facilities. 

07. Relieving 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Pre-Curing and Post-Curing are vital for cement sand plaster. 

Cement plaster needs a colossal measure of water during its relieving period. The site gets filthy because of it and furthermore needs more opportunity for works. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster requires no water relieving and ought to be allowed to dry out as fast as could be expected. 

Gypsum plaster requires no restoring which sets aside on all that water. 

08. Fire Inhibitor 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Cement plaster up to 200 to 300 C goes about as obstinate material and opposes fire yet later it gets fragile and breaks and falls and loses bond with the divider. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum is non-burnable and contains a high substance of precious stone water. In case of a fire, it goes about as a boundary and will secure the blockwork, cement and steel. 

09. Acoustic Properties 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

It has pretty much the same acoustics properties. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum as a folio is utilized in the assembling of acoustic tiles and plasters, a contributory factor to the ingestion of air borne sounds. 

10. Holding Properties 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

It can't be applied on the smooth surface. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Because of the nature and construction of gypsum, it shows superb holding properties subsequently applied in a solitary coat on RCC roofs, inner exposed block facades, AAC squares and substantial segments. 

It very well may be applied on smooth too unpleasant surfaces. 

11. Rust Inhibitor 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Cement plaster is definitely not a rust inhibitor. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum Plaster is the ideal rust preventive specialist and furthermore restrains consumption of electric metal fittings, pipes and so forth Metal lathing installed in gypsum plaster won't consume or rust and serves tough and long life. 

12. Simplicity of Application 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

The combination of the sand and cement is to be done nearby in various proportions. This is by and large done and constrained by generally untalented work and consequently not prone to be exact and awesome. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster is pre-blended and accessible simply to deal with sacks. Just expansion of water is required. A solitary coat application is bringing about less wastage of time, work and material. 

13. Tasteful Finish 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

After sand cement plaster, POP punning is needed to improve things and evened out surface completion. 

The space looks more modest and ugly as it is dull and dark in shading. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster gives a smooth inside finish to roof dividers and is an ideal background for great quality paints and backdrop wraps up. 

The room space looks huge and delightful as gypsum plaster is unadulterated white in shading. 

14. Nonattendance of Shrinkage Cracking 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Advancement of shrinkage breaks is very continuous in cement plaster. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster don't shrivel like cement during the drying out and solidifying measure. 

15. Light Weight 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Thickness of cement plaster is higher than gypsum plaster; thus the heap on the structure is expanded when contrasted with gypsum plaster and needs water to achieve strength. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster is light in weight and absolute strength is accomplished in air. 

16. Functionality 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Cement plaster is similar and gives a harsh completion. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Gypsum plaster is effectively functional for superb completion. It gives smooth completion and is viable to get all sorts of paints. Different surface surfaces and surface hardness can be acquired. 

17. Setting Time 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Least Twenty-four-hour stretch between layers of inside Portland cement plaster. Following a 48-hours time frame, completed coat plaster might be applied to inside cement base coats. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Setting season of gypsum plaster can be controlled. Time between two progressive coats is little. 

18. Wastage 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

Level of wastage is higher during application. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

Level of wastage is ostensible during application. 

19. Cost 

  • Sand Cement Plaster 

The utilization of cement plaster is tedious; interaction consequently builds the undertaking cost. 

Nonetheless, per square foot of cement plaster is not as much as gypsum plaster because of greater expense of gypsum. 

  • Gypsum Plaster 

The utilization of gypsum plaster is an efficient cycle, along these lines diminishes the venture cost. 

Gypsum plaster is costlier than cement plaster for the same thickness. 


From the above examination of Cement Plaster versus Gypsum Plaster, Gypsum plaster is fitting when contrasted with cement plaster asit gives better-wanted completion and execution. Gypsum plaster is likewise prudent where stream sand/regular sand isn't effectively accessible for the development. Kindly anyway note that great quality gypsum isn't accessible all over and consequently expensive and subsequently not yet mainstream.

Related Links:

Cement Based Plaster | Gypsum Plaster | Plaster Spray Machine | Cement Plaster | Plaster Machine


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